Stichting Africa Life is a member of the Intercultureel Platform Segbroek. From here we have had and have working co operation with other member of this platform Africa Life Foundation participates in lots of different projects /meetings, for example:

  • Men emancipation
  • International women’s day (Women emancipation)
  • Zero tolerant against FGM
  • Human rights dag



Evening with music and goodtime organized for the less privileged in the city of The Hague


 Humor en slogan uit thuisland daarna optreden Gnaoua muziek


Djembé trommelen te ontspannen en stress loslaten SEGBROEK UITJE




*Once a year we give free dinner to all our volunteers usually at the end of the year to thank them for the self-sacrifice and to the potential ones to come (see 10 years SAL existence celebration)


10 jaar jubileum van Stichting Africa Life Foto´s



Talkshows and debats

 Talkshows are organised on a regular basis. Goal is bringing people together to discuss certain themes, or inform / discuss important news from the City of The Hague). For instance; we had theme evenings in 2005 – 2013 about:

Europe constitution and how this affects we Africans residents in Europe, Jobs, and unemployment, Citizenship, intermarriage or mixed marriage, Female circumcision, Homosexual and the rights of African residents to vote in Europe


Financial Crisis video


African Seizoen 2003 and 2004

From  between september and december 2003 Stichting Africa Life organized ‘African Seizoen’. Seven times cultural  evenings with live preformances of African artists from  Egypt, Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Marocco, Nigeria en Senegal.


African Festival Segbroek Den Haag

2004, 2005, 2006 en 2007


Categories: Archief
