
Lees meer over ons Activiteiten - Stichting Africa Life: Promoting the beautiful and colorful cultures of Africa, to bring other existing cultures in the city in contact with it, give Africans and artists the possibilities to embrace the cultures in Holland and at the same time to act out their own cultural interests as proud African Netherlanders. Using music to create a conducive atmosphere for important discussions & making taboo topic discussable

Matembezi Fest

A new festival in The Hague at Amare! Organized & Put together by Hadithi Kultur The Hague!Supported by a.o. Cultuur huis Amare & Stichting Africa Life! Do not miss it! SATURDAY 19TH OF APRIL 2025 Read more…

Freedom Eve The Hague 2025

De viering van Vrijheid, Bewustwording en Herdenking van het Koloniaal- en slavernijverleden van Den Haag. Stichting Africa Life en haar samenwerkingspartners gaan de derde editie van dit eervolle evenement dit jaar organiseren op zaterdag 28 Read more…